医用激光设备 DAHUA


发布时间 :2024-08-30

INVITATION|The 21st Urological Association of Asia(UAA2024)

第21届亚洲泌尿协会年会(UAA2024)将于2024年9月5日至8日在印度尼西亚·巴厘岛·努沙杜瓦会议中心(BNDCC)盛大召开 。凯时K66激光公司作为中国医用激光设备生产制造商和泌尿外科设备整体解决方案的领跑者 ,将携带优秀的“中国智造”医疗设备赴会参展 ,和国际友商一道 ,共同努力促进亚洲泌尿外科事业的发展和进步 !

凯时K66激光展位号 :S4(APBA&凯时K66激光) ,诚邀您莅临观摩指导 !


The 21st Annual Conference of the Asian Urology Association (UAA2024) will be grandly held from September 5th to 8th, 2024 at the Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) in Bali, Indonesia. As a leading manufacturer of medical laser equipment and a leader in overall solutions for urology equipment in China, Dahwa Laser Company will bring excellent "Intelligently made in China" medical equipment to the exhibition, and work together with international partners to promote the development and progress of urology in Asia! 

Dahwa Laser booth number: S4 (APBA&Dahwa Laser), we sincerely invite you to visit and guide us!


学术交流信息(Scholarly Communication)

课题 :《IGBT钬激光前列腺剜除术技术应用与挑战》

时间 :2024年9月6日09:30-10:00 

地点 :Uluwatu 3 Room

主讲人 :

1.孙杰 博士 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院

2. Sherryn, MBBS, MSPH 印度尼西亚国防大学


Topics: “Prostate Enucleation with lGBT Holmium Laser:

Appliction and Technical Challenges”

Time: September 6th, 2024|09.30 -10.00

Room: Uluwatu 3 Room [Session 1 (SS-6)]

Speaker :

1-Dr Jie Sun, PhD

Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (CN)

2-Sherryn, MBBS, MSPH

Indonesia Defense University (IDN)



About UAA 

—— The 21st UAA Congress 47th ASMIUA & 18th PPCS

UAA's main objective is to promote Urology in Asia and to improve the care of Urology patients in the region, which has 60% of the world's population. Currently, the UAA has 25 member associations representing more than 25,000 urologists in Asia.

Apart from the UAA Congress, which is now held annually, the UAA helps to run various workshops and seminars in the region. This is done through the Asian School of Urology (ASU) and the affiliated subspecialty societies, the Asian Society of Endourology (ASE), the Asian Society of Female Urology (ASFU), the Asian Association for Urinary Infections and STDs (AAUS), the Asian Society of Uro-oncology (APSU) and the Asia-Pacific Society of Reconstructive Urologists and Andrological Surgeons (AP-SRUAS).

The UAA works closely with International urological bodies such as the International Consultations on Urological Diseases (ICUD), the Society International Urology (SIU), The American Urological Association (AUA), the European Association of Urology (EAU) and the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ).



致力于医疗科学20年 ,立足中国 ,服务全球 。不断探索与创新 ,多款产品技术和性能指标领先,是中国医用激光设备技术研发的领跑者 。产品临床应用已经为全球超过2500家用户提供优质的产品服务 ,获得良好的用户体验反馈 。凯时K66愿意向更好的向客户提供整体应用解决方案 ,共同人类健康事业做出更大的贡献 。




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